High 5 Casino Is Most Popular Virtual Casino

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The High 5 Casino is now thought to be one of the most popular casinos in the virtual world. This Facebook based casino has just passed the 1 million user mark, and it continues to grow. High 5 Casino has players from all over the world and it is easily accessible by using one of the largest social media websites.

High 5 Casino

One of the reasons that High 5 Casino might be a favorite with so many people is the amount of casino games it has to offer. Players can choose from over 30 real games. This is more than any other virtual casino on social media websites. It is owned by software company High 5 Games. There are over 300,000 active daily users at High 5 Casino.

About High 5 Games

According to CEO Anthony Singer, this is a great day for the company. He said that it is obvious that consumers know that they can expect a high quality product from them. Singer said that the slots games that the company produces is comparable to those found in real casinos. The unique characteristic about this software company is that a lot of the games launched online are also released in timing with software releases in real casinos. This helps the company maximize exposure. High 5 Games will usually distribute its games through other providers such as Playtech or WMS.