CommerceEndorsement of Casino Gambling in Texas

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Numerous Chambers of Commerce got together to voice their support of a casino gambling in Texas. This means that over 15,000 business owners that these Chambers represent will be going to the ballot box to decide on gaming in the state of Texas.

Let Texas Decide

According to Chair, John Montford, of the committee "Let Texas Decide" who would like the state to put the power of this decision into the hands of Texans. The different business organizations that comprise the main areas of commerce in the state would like to approve this form of gaming to "keep those dollars and jobs in Texas," said Mr. Montford.

Casino Gaming Profits

The use of casino gaming is expected to create a significant boom to Texas. Not only will it mean 75,000 additional jobs. This is expected to cause the economy of Texas to grow by another $8.5 billion. These are just two of the main reasons why so many in the Chambers of Commerce are supporting a referendum for Texas gaming. Many people in the Chambers feel that it is okay to have it as long as it is regulated properly. By doing so, it will give revenue and benefits for the people who pay taxes in Texas.