Paddy Power To Use Facebook Messenger Chatbot

Paddy Power Casino
Paddy Power Casino has just announced it will be offering a bet app by Onionsack so players can now make wagers using Facebook Messenger. The wagering app by Onionsack is the first of its kind to be used in the Facebook Messenger platform. The app is very similar to a chatbot, and it is built using the Onionsack SaaS messaging technology.

How The App Works

The new app technology that Paddy Power will incorporate works by having players sign into their Paddy Power account to check their balance, make a wager or add money. This is done with the help of the Paddy Power Facebook Messenger app. The bot will be able to understand the commands placed by the casino players, and it will carry out the transaction using the Onionsack SaaS technology.

Why a Chatbot?

The functions of the app are quite extensive, and players at Paddy Power are even able to receive updated sports results using push notifications. This can all be customized by each person. One of the other reasons Paddy Power is rolling this out to its customers is the opportunity for its customers to use the app to ready Paddy Power blogs, videos and also podcasts. Players will only have to select which media they would like to view and just watch it load. A representative from Paddy Power stated how delighted the company was to be one of the firsts to offer the technology which could make wagers using a messaging app. The CEO of Onionsack described with so many people on Facebook, it would be the logical step for them to create a bet app to tie in with Facebook Messenger. Onionsack hopes to launch more chatbots such as these in the future.