Warner Bros Hoping to Grow Interactive Business
To say that Warner Brothers Entertainment Incorporated is a well known and respected company would be an understatement but the company is still trying to expand on their corporate ventures. This move is brought on with the recent appointment of Jeff Junge to the new role of Senior Vice-President Of Online Games And Digital Games Platforms for its Warner Bros. Digital Distribution and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment subsidiaries. More simply put... Warner Brothers Entertainment Incorporated wants to enlarge their interactive and digital distribution.
Jeff Junge is certainly capable of doing the job as he recently led Turbine Incorporated gaming studio in an acquisition. There is no doubt that Jeff Junge is the right man for the job and has no trouble working with and developing digital platforms and games, which is an area that Warner Brothers Entertainment Incorporated is always trying to expand. Junge will answer to Martin Tremblay, President for Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment and Thomas Gewecke, President for Warner Bros. Digital Distribution. Jeff Junge will be responsible for the digital games business and the continued expansion of TT Games...plus the growth of Turbine's digital publishing and community platforms. Jeff Junge accepted this role and gave up his position as Senior Vice-President Of Business Management for Warner Brothers Home Entertainment Group.